Start & Tele Style Bridges

Model No.WOF01
Cold roll bent steel  top plate with original  3 screw fixing and correct gauge bent steel vintage stye saddles.

Model No. WOF02
Solid saddles add a little more mid range and feel ultra smooth under the players hand.

Model No.WOT01, WOT01T
Three saddle Tele style bridges give the ultimate vintage tone. Angling the three saddles gives more precise intonation and adds that “boutique look” Cold roll steel base plate keeps the sound truly “authentic” whether you choose the Barrel brass or Threaded steel saddles.

Model No.WOT02, WOT03
Individual saddels allow perfect string to string intonation especially when using hybrid string guages. Choose from barrel brass or solid contempory style saddles .Cold rolled steel base plate keeps all the vintage tone intact.